Friday, 17 January 2014


No doubt ‘Plenty’ actually refers to the fertile soils and ideal climate for growing produce such as Kiwi Fruit.  Although we understand that now many of the plantations have diversified to grow Macedamia nuts following a damaging blight on the soft fruit trees. 

But to us, ‘Plenty’ has come to mean plenty of beautiful scenic reserves, featuring delightful waterfalls set in native bush and crystal clear springs with dancing sands in glades of magnificent Redwood trees.  Our sample of these has included: Kaiate Falls and McLaren Falls in the hills around Tauranga and then Okere Falls and Hamurana Springs on the shores of Lake Roturua.  At all of these stops, we haven’t adjusted yet to free parking and no admission charges to beautifully maintained facilities.  Ok, so there is no gift shop or tea room either but natural is definitely for the better here.

Kaiate Falls

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